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Uniting Women. Everywhere.
Uniting Women. Everywhere.
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Policies & Procedures

WWC Guidlines to success


Congratulations and welcome to Working Women Connection! We are thrilled to have you as a link in our unique connection of professional women in business. You have made a wise choice for the growth and positioning of yourself and your business. We encourage you to INSPIRE, MOTIVATE, and CELEBRATE with us as we continue to pave our way to success . . . together! 

As a proud member of WWC, we ask that you thoroughly review this Policies and Procedures manual. It is important that you embrace our philosophy, understand what is expected of WWC members, and follow the outlined procedures. 

At any time, if you have questions about WWC or are unclear about any information, please contact WWC management directly. We are here for YOU and happy to support you in any way we can. Please use the following checklist to help us process your membership.



Please check that you have completed the following tasks to get your picture, profile, and link to your website posted in the WWC directory ASAP! When this is done you may want to send your contacts a link to your profile on Facebook, LinkedIn, or other social media. 

1. Received invoice and paid membership investment. (Please note that your membership investment must be paid prior to attending the next chapter meeting, and that membership investments are nonrefundable.) 

2. Completed the “Website Directory Information Sheet” located in the “Members Only” section of the WWC website. This form is for submitting your biography and downloading your professional business portrait to advertise your business. For website approval, your portrait must have been taken by a professional photographer. 

3. Confirmed that you have been added to the WWC website under your Industry listing section and specific chapter. Please proofread your listing.



I pledge to be a dedicated member of Working Women Connection. I promise to uphold the highest standards of quality in my business transactions, to encourage the women around me, to engage in my local community, and embrace the opportunity to help others, personally and professionally. 

I understand that it is a privilege to be a member of this unique and empowered organization of professional women in business, and I aim to INSPIRE, MOTIVATE, and CELEBRATE as a proud member of Working Women Connection, and to WORK UNITED with other WWC members. 


In Working Women Connection, we believe it is essential to INSPIRE and MOTIVATE one another as well as CELEBRATE our accomplishments, both personally & professionally. 

Working Women Connection is committed to UNITING WOMEN EVERYWHERE, and encouraging our professional women members to engage in their local communities by organizing and participating in community events, giving back to those in need, and ensuring the public is aware of our presence. As empowered women; dedicated professionals; and proud members of WWC, we pledge to WORK UNITED.


Working Women Connection members will embrace and uphold the following principles of our organization: 

1. As a WWC member, I will uplift, encourage, and support other members professionally and personally, when in a position to do so. 

2. I commit to understand and follow the WWC Mission and Pledge, and will encourage new WWC members to do so. 

3. I will honor professional and personal obligations promised to other WWC members, while providing the highest standards of professionalism. 

4. I will treat other WWC members, affiliates, partners, employees, leaders, representatives, speakers, presenters, public meeting locations and employees therein, and any and all other direct or indirect people associated with WWC with respect, regard, consideration, and the highest standards of professionalism. 

5. I will not propagate negative stereotypes and will promote diversity and inclusion in WWC. WWC and WWC members do not discriminate against other members on the basis of race, national origin, age, religion, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, or medical condition. 

6. I will respect the career choice of other WWC Chapter members. I will not approach other WWC members with career opportunities, and will not use WWC as a recruiting platform. 

7. I will not send email solicitations to other WWC members without first receiving their consent. 

8. I will clearly state my professional needs for business referrals, report when I have qualified referrals, or need assistance obtaining referrals or leads. 

9. I will contact all referrals within 24 hours to uphold the reputation and professionalism of both the referring member and WWC. 

10. I will confidentially report any unprofessional business transaction, experience, or conduct with any WWC member, in an effort to uphold the highest standards of professionalism within WWC.



1. Attendance: Regular Chapter meeting attendance is required. Missing more than one meeting per quarter may be grounds for removal from the Chapter. If a member cannot attend a meeting, she may send a substitute, which will not count as an absence. 

2. Dress Code: Each member is expected to be dressed in business or industry-appropriate attire (business casual is acceptable) when attending meetings. Jeans, shorts, tennis shoes, flip-flops, yoga pants, and non-professional attire will not be tolerated. 

3. Promptness: Each WWC member is expected to arrive promptly to meetings and any scheduled events. The Chapter President may give warnings to members who are consistently late or leave early. If the problem continues, the member’s category may become open. 

4. Conduct: WWC members are to behave professionally and respectfully at WWC Chapter meetings. Cell phones are to be turned to “silent” mode; texting or other use of cell phones, or electronic equipment, is not permitted during meetings. If it is necessary to take a call, step out of the room. WWC members are to pay attention to member and visitor presentations, participate in meeting discussions, and greet other members. WWC members are to be prepared for meetings with a 30second commercial, presentation (when required), and business cards and contact information.

5. Script: Each chapter meeting follows a script that has been created to bring consistency to meetings and meet networking goals, all within a 1.5-hour time period. Chapter meeting agendas must not extend beyond the 1.5-hour time frame.

6. Thirty-Second Commercial: Each member will share a prepared 30-second commercial about her product or service. This commercial should state: (a) member’s name; (b) business name; (c) the member’s business, service, or product; (d) how you help a client with a business need or frustration. The 30-second commercial should be NO MORE than 30-seconds. 

7. Voting on New Members: Potential WWC members are to be voted on by the current WWC Chapter members. Membership in WWC is solely at the discretion and vote of the WWC Chapter to whom the potential member is applying. 

The criteria for accepting (voting “yes” for) a new member are the following: 

(1) Can the Chapter support the potential member and her business with referrals? 
(2) Can the potential member support the other WWC members with referrals? After a potential member’s second meeting, the President will excuse all guests and potential member(s). The WWC Chapter members are to discuss the candidacy of the potential member(s), state objections, and discuss category conflicts at this time. The President will call for a vote; if the majority of members vote “yes”, the potential member will be extended an invitation of membership. 

8. Voting Out Members: WWC Chapters may vote out members who: 

(1) do not uphold the WWC Member Code of Ethics; 
(2) consistently fail to be prepared at meetings; 
(3) behave disrespectfully to other members;
(4) behave unprofessionally to WWC members and/or referrals.

Voting out a member is a serious consequence and the following process may be used:

a. The chapter president will have a confidential conversation with the member in question, in an attempt to correct the situation and direct said member to the WWC Policies and Procedures and/or Code of Ethics. 

b. If said member continues to violate the WWC Policies and Procedures and/or Code of Ethics, the chapter president may call a “member’s only” meeting to take place after the regular meeting, to address her concern. The violating member will be excused and WWC members will discuss objections, propose how to offer assistance to address the objection, and decide if voting out is the only option. The President will call for a vote. If the majority vote is “yes” membership will be terminated, and the position will reopen.

III.(a) Membership Policies

1. Leave of Absence: A member may take a leave of absence for up to thirty (30) days before her category is reopened for a potential new member. If the member is gone for more than thirty (30) days, and her category is not filled, she may reinstate her membership. 

2. Referrals: Each WWC member is expected to provide two (2) qualified referrals per month to other WWC members. A referral is worth one (1) point. A qualified referral is defined as: when the person referred is expecting your call. WWC members are encouraged to refer business to women from other chapters for industries not represented within their own chapter. 

3. Guests: Each member is expected to bring four (4) guests per year. Bringing a guest is worth three (3) points. Members are to screen guests prior to invitation to ensure that professional businesswomen with high standards and professional discretion are invited as guests. Guests should be for industry slots that are open in the Chapter. Please contact the Business Development Director so that the guest will receive an invitation. 

4. Replacement: In the event a member leaves her Chapter and her membership was paid by her company, said company may send a replacement to represent the same category with the understanding that any replacement is held to the same standards and membership procedure. Any replacement must be voted in by the Chapter she wishes to join, just as any new member would do. No refund is given if the replacement member does not meet WWC qualifications. 

5. Refunds: Membership investment in WWC will not be refunded for any reason. 

6. Term: Membership begins the first day of the month the member joins WWC and lasts for twelve (12) months. 

7. Transfer to Another Chapter: Members in good standing who wish to transfer to a new Chapter may do so, as long as their category is not filled. Transferring members are subject to vote by the new chapter. 

8. Visiting Other WWC Chapters: A member may visit and promote her business at other chapters as long as the visiting member's category is open. Visiting members may visit a single chapter no more than once per quarter. Visiting members will not participate in voting or decision-making regarding chapter concerns. Visiting members are considered guests, and are permitted to give a 5-minute presentation about their business for the first visit and a 30 second commercial for each visit thereafter. Visiting members are to contact the Chapter President prior to visiting to confirm their category is open.

9. Direct Sales/Home Parties/Personal Product Sales: Each Chapter must limit membership of women representing direct sales or women who book home parties or product sales unrelated to growing a business. For every five members, one woman can represent a direct sales company, a “party booking” company, or products unrelated to business growth and development. Further, any woman representing a direct sales company must work full-time and have the title of director or equivalent. 

10. Payment of Membership Investment: After a member application has been approved, the membership investment is to be paid prior to attending the next scheduled Chapter meeting. When renewing a membership, if payment is more than thirty (30) days past due for any reason, the member will be suspended from attending meetings and her category will be opened. If payment is received and the category is still open, the member will be fully reinstated as an active member. Payment plans for Membership Investment may or may not be offered, at the sole discretion of WWC management. 

11. Closing a Chapter: In the event that a WWC Chapter fails to grow or loses membership, the Chapter may be dissolved, at the discretion of WWC management. If a member from a closed Chapter wishes to retain membership in WWC, she is to contact WWC management to find an open category in another WWC Chapter. Membership in the new Chapter is contingent upon being voted in by the members of that Chapter. If the member becomes a member of the new Chapter, previous Membership Investment payments will be applied to the balance due for the remainder of her membership term in the new Chapter. Membership investment will not be refunded in the event of a Chapter’s closing if the member chooses not to retain WWC membership or if her category is not available in another chapter.

III.(b) Category Representation

1. Categories: A member may represent one category in her WWC Chapter, which was established upon membership approval. 

2. Category Security: Each Chapter holds one slot per industry category. Only one member may represent a category. A member may not represent more than one category. If a category is filled, no visitor representing that category may visit the Chapter. 

3. Category Conflicts: If a member feels that a visitor or potential member conflicts with her category, it is the member’s responsibility to file a concern with the WWC Chapter President before the Chapter votes on her membership. 

4. Category Changes Within a Chapter: A member who wishes to change her category within a Chapter must submit a written request to the Chapter President. If the category is open, the member may represent the new category. The website listing will be changed accordingly. 

5. Open Category: A Chapter member’s category may be opened for failure to comply with WWC Policies, Mission, and/or Code of Ethics.

III.(c) Promotion

1. Ad Space: WWC members receive advertising space on the WWC website consisting of a professional portrait, business biography, contact information, and a live link to your business website. WWC administration reserves the right to modify these specifications for the purposes of efficiency and/or industry improvements, or as necessary according to WWC administration, and may do so without the consent of WWC members. 

2. Advertising: WWC advertises to the community to draw the public to our website directory for the products and services offered by members.

III.(d) WWC Management

1. Feedback Form: Your feedback is important. Please use the Feedback Form in the “Members Only” section on the WWC website to submit constructive criticism, suggestions, and comments regarding WWC. 

2. Policies Subject to Change: WWC management will notify Chapter Presidents of any changes to the Policies and Procedures. Updates to the Policies and Procedures will be announced at Chapter meetings as noted in the Meeting Script. 

3. Prices Subject to Change: WWC management reserves the right to change Membership Investment fees and payment options. 

4. Logo Use: Members may not use the WWC name or logo without written permission from WWC. 

5. Chapter Independence: Each WWC Chapter is separate and distinct from WWC management and is not entitled to act on behalf of or bind WWC management, contractually or otherwise. 

6. WWC Funds: Membership investment payments are used to defray WWC operating expenses, including, but not limited to: paying the salary of the Director of Business Development, luncheon costs, advertising, and website maintenance. 

7. Sole Discretion: Decisions regarding WWC, WWC Chapters, membership investment, membership, and use of WWC funds are final and remain at the sole discretion of WWC management. 

8. Photos: All photographs taken by a WWC photographer at WWC events are the exclusive property of WWC, and may not be reproduced or used in any way, without the express written consent of WWC management.

III.(e) Discipline

1. Probation: In case of serious problems with a member’s actions, the WWC Chapter may, at its sole discretion, put a member on probation. Probation may occur for any of the following reasons:

(1) questions arise about a member’s business ethics;
(2) violation of the Code of Ethics; 
(3) failure to arrive on time and prepared for meetings; 
(4) disrespectful behavior to WWC members and/or referrals; 
(5) harassment; 
(6) discriminatory behavior. Accusations must be made in writing to the Chapter President, or (in the event that the Chapter President being called into question) to WWC management. The accused member has the right to defend herself. Findings of the Chapter President or WWC management are final. A majority vote of Chapter members will put the accused member on probation for thirty (30) days. Upon her return to the Chapter after the thirty (30) day probation period, the member will remain in good standing unless a further incident arises. During the probation period, membership investment will continue to be paid, and will not be forgiven or refunded, nor will the member’s term of membership be extended. 

2. Termination of Membership: WWC membership may be terminated by a Chapter or by WWC management for any of the following reasons, and membership investment will not be refunded: 

(1) unprofessional conduct toward WWC members or referrals; 
(2) harassment of WWC members; 
(3) intoxication at a WWC event; 
(4) discriminatory behavior toward WWC members or referrals; 
(5) conduct which reflects badly on the WWC brand; 
(6) failure to improve conduct after serving one (1) probationary period; 
(7) falsely accusing a WWC member of unprofessional conduct. 

3. Raising a Concern: Raising a concern about a WWC member’s professional behavior is a serious consideration. It is not to be taken lightly, and is to be handled confidentially. If a member has a valid, verifiable concern about a WWC member’s professional behavior, she is to allege it, in writing, to the Chapter President or (in the event of the Chapter President being called into question) to WWC management. The alleged infringement is not to be shared with other WWC members. The Chapter President or WWC management will contact the accused member to discuss the allegation, keeping the name of the accuser confidential. The accused member will be permitted to defend herself. The findings of the Chapter President or WWC management will be final. Making a false accusation against a member is cause for immediate membership termination.



Each officer is to recite her script at every meeting. Each element of the script is designed to demonstrate to a visitor that WWC is an organized, professional group dedicated to referral generation. 

2. The script is NOT a reference guide; it is to be read word for word. An officer may read the script with her own personality, but she may NOT translate the script into her own words. 

3. Failure to follow the script consistently may be grounds for dismissal from WWC office.

IV.(a) Membership Investment

1. Chapter President: Membership investment is waived for Chapter Presidents while in office. When a current member assumes the role of President, her membership will be waived commencing on the anniversary date that membership began. 

If a Chapter is dissolved and the President wishes to remain a member in WWC, a new anniversary date shall be established and she will be invoiced accordingly. 

If a President is relieved of her duties for any reason and wishes to remain an active WWC member, a new anniversary date shall be established and she will be invoiced accordingly. 

2. Chapter Vice President and Chapter Philanthropist: Membership investment is not waived for Chapter Vice Presidents and Chapter Philanthropists. Membership investment is not refundable for any reason. 

If a Chapter is dissolved and the Vice President and Philanthropist wish to retain WWC membership, previous payments will be applied to the balance due for the membership term. 

If a Chapter Vice President or Philanthropist is relieved of her duties for any reason and wishes to retain membership in WWC, the previous payments will be applied to the balance due for the remainder of the membership term.

IV.(b) Membership Investment

1. If a Chapter President, Chapter Vice President, or Chapter Philanthropist wishes to resign must submit either 

(a) a letter in writing, or 
(b) an email to WWC management one (1) month prior to her departure date. 

2. Membership investment will not be refunded in the event of an officer’s resignation.

IV.(c) Dismissal by WWC Management

1. The Chapter President, Chapter Vice President, and Chapter Philanthropist offices represent the face of WWC. WWC management, in its sole discretion, may dismiss any Chapter officer at any time, for any reason.

2. Possible grounds for dismissal of a WWC perform duties in a manner acceptable to officer include, but are not limited to: failure to WWC management; failure to meet Chapter growth targets; if dismissal is in the best interest of the Chapter; lack of leadership; use of language during meeting which is disrespectful to WWC and/or WWC members; job description responsibilities are not met; behavior conflicts with the mission of WWC conduct ( e.g. , intoxication at a WWC event, inappropriate language, unprofessional dress or appearance ). 

3. A series of three (3) complaints from Chapter members or guests to WWC WWC management officer will result in her dismissal. The officer will be notified of the substance of each complaint and will be permitted to defend herself to WWC management. The first complaint will serve as a first warning. The second complaint will be the final warning. A third complaint will result in immediate dismissal from the office. All decisions of WWC management regarding complaints against an officer will be final. 

4. WWC management will appoint the new officer once a suitable candidate has been interviewed and has qualified for the position.

5. Membership investment will not be refunded in the event of an officer’s dismissal.


1. Be Yourself: WWC management chooses a Chapter President for her leadership skills, professionalism, and personality. The WWC and its members do not check emotions or sense of humor at the door. Have fun!

2. Leadership: The Chapter President is the leader of her Chapter. Look at the Chapter as your empowerment board, your sales force, and your collaborators. Lead them and pave the way to continued success!

3. Membership Policies: The Membership Policies and Code of Ethics apply to the Chapter President, who is responsible for ensuring that the Chapter members adhere to those policies.

4. Script: Recite the Chapter President script at every meeting.

5. Chapter Growth: Membership Investment for the Chapter President is waived. In return for receiving free membership, the Chapter President is responsible for facilitating Chapter growth, meeting the following targets: (1) reach ten (10) members within six (6) months of Chapter launch; (2) reach 15 members by the one-year anniversary of Chapter launch; and (3) reach 20 members within 18 months of Chapter launch. Failure to meet Chapter growth targets may be cause for dismissal from office.

6. Guests: The Chapter President is responsible for obtaining contact information (name, company, email address, and phone number) from any guest attending a Chapter meeting. Contact information for guests is to be forwarded to the Director of Business Development or WWC management within eight (8) hours after a Chapter meeting so that the Director of Business Development may email the guest an invitation to complete an online application and a guest packet.

7. Monthly Reporting: The Chapter President is responsible for contacting the Director of Business Development or WWC management within 48 hours of the last meeting of the month to provide her with the following Chapter information: (1) how many referrals the Chapter exchanged that month; (2) the member(s) with the most points for referrals and guests, and how many points earned.

8. New Member Procedure: The Director of Business Development or WWC management will advise the Chapter President when an application for membership is received and approved.

When the applying member visits for the second time, follow the prompts in the script, allowing the applicant to: (1) do her 5-minute presentation; and, (2) answer the interview questions located in the President’s Binder. Continue to follow the prompts in the script, excusing the applicant and all other guests so that the Chapter membership may vote on the membership.

Within three (3) hours of the meeting’s completion, advise the Director of Business Development or WWC management as to the outcome of the vote. An approved applicant will receive a welcome call, welcome packet, and an invoice.

9. Meeting Schedule: WWC Chapter meetings are to be held twice per month, for 1-1/2 hours per meeting. These requirements are not flexible. Meetings may not end early, nor may they start late. Failure to follow this meeting requirement may result in dismissal from office.

The Chapter President is responsible for scheduling the dates and times of Chapter meetings with the establishment at which the meetings are held. Notify the Director of Business Development or WWC management of the Chapter meeting schedule, time, and location so that the website may be updated.

Meetings that fall on a holiday are to be rescheduled, and the twice-per-month rule is to be followed. Notify the Director of Business Development or WWC management of any date changes so that the website may be updated.

10. Speakers: Compile and maintain a Chapter speaker schedule for up to six (6) weeks in advance. New members are to be placed in the first available speaker slot. Notify the Director of Business Development or WWC management of the speaker schedule and any changes to the speaker schedule so that the website may be updated.

11. Attendance: Report attendance violations (members who have missed two or more meetings in one quarter) to the Director of Business Development or WWC management within three (3) days’ of the end of the quarter.

12. Philanthropy Projects: Ensure that the Chapter Philanthropist is reporting the Chapter philanthropy projects to the Director of Business Development or to WWC management for promotional purposes.

13. Ethical Violations: Ethics violations or complaints regarding members are to be reported to the Chapter President. The Chapter President is to report any ethics violations or complaints to the Director of Business Development, and to treat these matters as extremely confidential. Complaints and ethics violations are to be handled within one (1) week of being reported. Failure to maintain confidentiality in these matters may be cause for dismissal from office.


1. Be Yourself: WWC management chooses a Chapter Vice President for her leadership skills, professionalism, and personality. The WWC and its members do not check emotions or sense of humor at the door. Have fun!

2. Membership Policies: The Membership Policies and Code of Ethics apply to the Chapter Vice President.

3. Chapter President: The Chapter Vice President acts on behalf of the Chapter President in her absence. Follow the Chapter President script and fulfill her obligations.

4. Script: Recite the Chapter Vice President script at every meeting. Uphold and demonstrate the WWC Mission, Code of Ethics, and Membership Policies within your Chapter.

5. Attendance: Track attendance of members, noting absences, and announcing absences when prompted by the script.

At the end of each quarter, report to the Chapter President (1) the names of members who have missed two or more meetings within that quarter.

6. Chapter Membership Numbers: Track the number of members in the Chapter, and announce the number when prompted by the script.

7. Reporting: Within 24 hours of the last meeting of the month, report to the Chapter President which member had the most points and how many points she had.

8. Chapter Growth: Assist the Chapter President in keeping Chapter growth the primary focus.

9. Support: Support the Chapter membership and Chapter President with critical thinking exercises, guide efforts to reach decisions, and maintain professionalism.


1. Be Yourself: WWC management chooses a Chapter Philanthropist for her leadership skills, professionalism, and personality. The WWC and its members do not check emotions or sense of humor at the door. Have fun!

2. Membership Policies: The Membership Policies and Code of Ethics apply to the Chapter Philanthropist.

3. Script: Recite the Chapter Philanthropist script at every meeting. Uphold and demonstrate the WWC Mission, Code of Ethics, and Membership Policies within your Chapter.

4. Greeting Members and Guests: Greet new WWC members and guests to make them feel welcome. Make sure Chapter members and guests understand the WWC Mission, Code of Ethics, and Policies and Procedures.

5. Opportunities: Encourage Chapter members to provide information regarding community events, fundraisers, exhibit shows, conferences, and other activities that may be beneficial or of interest to the membership.

6. Reporting: Provide detailed information to the Director of Business Development regarding the Chapter’s philanthropic projects, using the submission form located in the "Members Only" section of the WWC Chapter philanthropic projects are promoted by WWC as a way of securing a charitable presence within the community.

7. Research: Research possible philanthropic projects within the community in which the Chapter meets. Philanthropic projects need not be expensive or time-consuming; Chapters may volunteer time or service, provide gift baskets for charity events, etc.

8. Volunteers: Request volunteers from the Chapter membership to contribute to and expedite philanthropic projects. Hold these members accountable for their performance.

The WWC payment policy applies to WWC members under all forms of membership including Interactive and Virtual Membership.

I. Definitions

These words used in the WWC Payment Policy have the following meaning:

(a) New Member: A WWC member in their first year of membership.

(b) Renewing Member: A WWC member after their first year of membership.

(c) Member: A WWC member, new or renewing.

(d) First Chapter Meeting: A new member’s first chapter meeting after completing
the application and approval process.

(e) Term: A WWC member’s one-year membership term. Membership begins on the first day of the month a member joins WWC and lasts for twelve (12) months.

(f) Anniversary Date: The annually reoccurring date of the first day of the month
the member joined WWC.

II. Payment Options

Member may choose one of the following payment options for a term:

(a) One-Time Payment

(i) New members must pay the full membership amount for a term before attending their first chapter meeting. A new member’s category will remain open in said chapter until new member has made the one-time payment.

(ii) Renewing members must pay the full membership amount for a term before the renewing member’s anniversary date.

(b) Monthly Payment Plan and Three Month Payment Plan

(i) WWC requires that members selecting the monthly payment plan or three month payment plan, setup an auto-billing account with PayPal.

(ii) Member acknowledges that under the monthly payment plan the full membership amount will be divided into twelve (12) payments. Under the three month plan, the full membership amount will be divided into three (3) payments.

(iii) Upon setup of a PayPal auto-billing account, member is required to pay a down payment plus the first month’s payment.

a. Under the monthly plan, Member will be charged a month’s payment every thirty (30) days from that date for the remaining eleven (11) months.

b. Under the three month plan, Member will be charged a month’s payment every thirty (30) days from that date for the remaining two (2) months.

(iv) New members must pay the down payment and first month’s payment before attending their first chapter meeting. A new member’s category will remain open in said chapter until new member has made the first payment.

(v) Renewing members must create a PayPal auto-billing account no more than ten (10) days after their anniversary. If after ten (10) days a PayPal Auto-billing account is not created, their membership will be terminated and their category in their chapter will become open. To reinstate membership, a new membership must be initiated.

(vi) Member acknowledges that they are responsible for providing PayPal with a valid form of payment. If member fails to keep a valid form of payment with PayPal, member is still responsible for the remaining term payments.

(vii) Member acknowledges that upon creating a PayPal account they must agree to PayPal’s terms of service. If member has an issue with their PayPal account, they must contact PayPal. WWC does not make any warranties, express or implied, as to PayPal’s services. WWC shall not be liable to a member for any loss attributed to PayPal’s services.

III. Billing

(a) New Members will be billed once by WWC, under all payment plans.
Payment, according to all payment plans, is due thirty (30) days after receipt
of the invoice.

(b) Renewing members

(i) Two months before renewing member’s anniversary date, WWC will send a reminder e-mail to notify renewing member of their anniversary.

(ii) Thirty (30) days before renewing member’s anniversary date, WWC will send an invoice requiring payment within thirty (30) days.

(iii) If renewing member does not respond to invoice by their anniversary date,
WWC will attempt to contact the renewing member. If WWC is unable to contact renewing member, membership will be terminated and their category in their chapter will become open. To reinstate membership, a new membership must be initiated.

IV. Membership Cancellation

(a) If a member decides to cancel their membership for any reason, at any time,
or they have failed to provide a valid form of payment as discussed in section 2.

(b)(v) of this policy, the member is still obligated to pay for the full one-year
membership. Please refer to the WWC No Refund Policy. WWC reserves the right, at any time, to modify its membership fees and payment policy.

Powerhouse of the Month

Salma Khattab

Transformational Hypnotherapist, The Breakthrough Hypnocoach
Transformational Hypnotherapist, The Breakthrough Hypnocoach
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MEET  Salma
View Powerhouse Of The Month
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